About the Well-Being Index

The Well-Being Index is an online self-assessment tool invented by Mayo Clinic that measures 6 dimensions of distress and well-being in just 9 questions.


Our mission is to equip individuals and organizations worldwide with the most advanced data, support, and tools needed to foster a workplace culture of wellness.

Invented by Mayo Clinic

Over ten years ago, Mayo Clinic leadership set out to better support the well-being of their providers. The first step in this process was getting an accurate measurement of staff wellness. The commonly-used surveys, however, were too long, too cumbersome, and didn’t provide the functionality needed to adequately measure and support their clinicians’ well-being.

The few existing assessments were one-time surveys, contained dozens or even hundreds of questions, lacked anonymity, didn’t provide participant resources, lacked comprehensive reporting for administrators, or focused only on burnout (just one dimension of distress and well-being). To solve these problems, Mayo Clinic researchers invented and validated the Well-Being Index to:

    • Anonymously measure well-being in less than 1-minute

    • Predict risk of distress over 6 dimensions

    • Provide immediate resources to participants

    • Deliver comprehensive reporting to wellness leaders

    • Track individual and organizational progress over time

Since then, the Well-Being Index has been launched at over 800 organizations around the world and is used every day to help leaders support their staff and Go Beyond Burnout.


After years of development, a rigorous multi-step validation process, and multiple phases of peer review, the Well-Being Index was born. Explore the original research studies for each of the eight Well-Being Index versions and see how wellness experts at Mayo Clinic developed and validated the tool.

Well-Being Index Validation Study Timeline

Development and preliminary psychometric properties of a well-being index for medical students

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Efficacy of a brief screening tool to identify medical students in distress

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Psychometric properties of the Medical Student Well-Being Index among medical students in a Malaysian medical school

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Utility of a brief screening tool to identify physicians in distress

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Psychometric properties of the Medical Student Wellbeing Index at different interval of measurements in a cohort of medical students

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An interactive individualized intervention to promote behavioral change to increase personal well-being in US surgeons

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Ability of the physician well-being index to identify residents in distress

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Ability of a 9-Item Well-Being Index to Identify Distress and Stratify Quality of Life in US Workers

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Efficacy of the Well-Being Index to Identify Distress and Well-Being in U.S. Nurses

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Efficacy of the Well-Being Index to identify distress and stratify well-being in nurse practitioners and physician assistants

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Ability of the Well-Being Index to identify pharmacists in distress

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Distress and well-being in dentists: performance of a screening tool for assessment

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"The validity and widespread use of the product, the excellent customer support, the leadership strategy, and ongoing intelligence are exceptional. I see the Well-Being Index as a true business partner in our commitment to well-being among our healthcare professionals."
-Well-Being Program Coordinator

Well-Being Index Inventors

Well-Being Index Co-Developer

Well-Being Index Co-Developer

Our Team

The Well-Being Index team is made up of well-being experts, healthcare consultants, employee wellness thought leaders, technology innovators, and communications specialists, all dedicated to equipping you with the most advanced data, support, and tools needed to Go Beyond Burnout.

Neil Bittner
Lead Software Engineer
PJ Calkins
President / CEO
Jina Choi
Marketing Project Manager
Dustin Hart
Art Director
Logan Johnson
Lead Content Strategist
Hannah Kidd
Well-Being Index Specialist
Justin McGinnis
Software Engineer
John McMahon
Director of Client Experience
Sara McNeilus
Contract & Finance Director
Anthony Ou
Well-Being Index Specialist
MacKenna Regenbogen
Well-Being Index Specialist
Eric Reynolds
Software Engineer
Jonny Yucuis
Chief Operations Officer
Alan De Keyrel
Board of Directors
Kim De Keyrel
Board of Directors


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