Sara McNeilus

Contract & Finance Director

About Sara McNeilus

Team member since: 2008
What is your role?

As the Contract & Finance Director, I help ensure that our team has everything they need to support our Well-Being Index partner organizations.

Why are you passionate about improving professional well-being?

Professional well-being has a significant impact on our lives and our overall sense of well-being. Wellness relates directly to the quality of a person’s life and influences their behavior toward the people around them. These interactions have a rippling effect within our families and our communities. Happy people don’t hurt people. Paving the way to personal and professional well-being for our children may one day make this a happy place.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I enjoy spending time with my son, who is now a preschooler. It’s fascinating to watch him learn and grow. I enjoy many activities outdoors as well as teaching Zumba Fitness classes in our community. Spending quality time with friends and family always makes me feel grounded.