About Tait
Dr. Shanafelt is an international thought leader, researcher, and expert in physician well-being. He is Chief Wellness Officer for Stanford Medicine, previously Co-Directed the Mayo Clinic Department of Medicine Physician Well-Being Program, and is the CoDeveloper of the Well-Being Index. Alongside Dr. Dyrbye, he has conducted multiple nationwide studies on clinician well-being and its implications on quality of care.
His research on well-being and distress among medical students, residents, and practicing providers has appeared in numerous publications. He has presented to the ACGME, AAMC, AMA, and ABI as a keynote speaker on his findings.
Dr. Shanafelt’s work on the topic of well-being has primarily focused on shifting the conversation from increasing physician resiliency to implementing organizational, systemic, and cultural changes to improve conditions for health care professionals. In addition to his studies on clinician distress and well-being, Shanafelt is an expert and researcher on the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.