September 15, 2020

Grant Funding for Using the Well-Being Index in COVID-19 Research


The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institution (PCORI) has announced new funding opportunities to organizations conducting COVID-19 research. The grant funding is to support research efforts regarding three target areas:

  • Adaptations to healthcare delivery
  • Impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable populations
  • Impact of COVID-19 on healthcare workforce well-being, management, and training

The COVID-19 Targeted PFA will fund small studies up to $2,500,000 and large studies up to $5,000,000 with a maximum project period of two years. 

The Well-Being Index is happy to be a measurement partner on this grant for research exploring the impact of COVID-19 on healthcare providers and effective strategies to protect the mental well-being of the healthcare workforce. Reach out to Well-Being Index expert Sunny Prabhakar at for more information.

As a clinically-validated instrument, the Well-Being Index is used by over 600 institutions to accurately measure 6 dimensions of distress and well-being among healthcare providers. With PCORI grant funding, organizations can implement the Well-Being Index as a measurement tool in their COVID-19 research initiatives.

Due to the time-sensitive nature of the research, the deadline for grant applications is Tuesday, May 26th, 2020 by 5:00 p.m. ET.

Applications should propose a realistic budget and timeline reflective of the scope and requirements of the proposed study.” If your organization is interested in using the Well-Being Index in your COVID-19 research, reach out to the Well-Being Index team and we will help you put together a budget regarding the use of the tool in your study. There is also potential for your institution to continue to use the Well-Being Index on a grant-basis through PCORI following your study. 

Contact PCORI for any further questions on the grant opportunities.


Well-Being Index Team

The Well-Being Index team is made up of thought leaders, healthcare associates, technology experts, and content creators dedicated to improving well-being by equipping organizations with the tools and data needed to Go Beyond Burnout.