All Groups

Number of assessments in 2023: 79,022

Comparison Across Practice Type

This section compares well-being across various practice types as well as responses to individual Well-Being Index questions. We use the Well-Being Snapshot & Well-Being Continuum for comparing well-being across groups.

Well-Being Over Time

About This Report

This report shows the Well-Being over time combining the data from all practice types available since 2020. This includes all groups except Pharmacy & Dentistry for consistency with previous years. View the associated risks and likelihood of outcomes with each category of the Well-Being Continuum for each group.

Connecting The Dots

This Well-Being Over Time report shows overall well-being improving in 2023 vs. 2022, but it’s important to dive deeper as we’ll see that while a majority of groups have a reduced percentage in the Distressed & Struggling Categories, for some groups the percentage of assessments in these negatives categories has increased.

Well-Being Snapshot By Practice Type

About These Reports

This report shows the Well-Being Continuum sorted by highest percentage of a combination of Distressed & Struggling to lowest in 2023. The data for 2022 is directly below the 2023 data for the associated group. The bottom bar shows a combination of data from all groups for 2023 vs. 2022. View the associated likelihood of positive & negative outcomes with each category of the Well-Being Continuum for each group.

Connecting The Dots

While the Nurse group has the highest percent of assessments in the Distressed & Struggling categories, those percentages have decreased since last year. This may be an indication that while there’s more work to do, there has been some improvement in well-being since last year. This may also be an indication that there is an increased focus on well-being across the organization for all roles and not just physicians. While progress and improvements are promising to see, there’s no pinnacle to be reached with well-being. It’s an ongoing effort that’s continually evolving.

Burnout By Practice Type

Responses to the Well-Being Index question, “During the past month, have you felt burned out from your work?”

About These Report

This report highlights the groups with the highest to lowest percentage of assessments that have indicated feeling burnout from their work in 2023 and compared to 2022.

Connecting The Dots

You might notice that the groups with the highest percentage of self-reported burnout are not also the ones with the highest percentages in the Distressed & Struggling categories. The Well-Being Index assessment takes a more comprehensive approach beyond just burnout to take into consideration other factors that affect overall well-being.

One other thing of note from this report is that Medical Students were the only group with an increase in self-reported burnout.

Emotional Problems By Practice Type

Responses to the Well-Being Index question “During the past month, have you been bothered by emotional problems (such as feeling anxious, depressed, or irritable)?”

About These Reports

This report highlights the occupations with the highest to lowest percentage of assessments that have indicated feeling bothered by emotional problems 2023 and compared to 2022.

Meaning in Work By Practice Type

Responses to the Well-Being Index question “Please rate your level of agreement with the following statement: The work I do is meaningful to me.”

About These Reports

Responses to this question include Very Strongly Disagree, Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Indifferent, Agree, Strongly Agree, Very Strongly Agree. All Disagrees were combined and all All Agrees were combined for visual clarity.

Connecting The Dots

Despite high levels of individuals feeling their work is meaningful across all groups, there are still high levels of distress. The takeaway here may be that individuals in these roles aren’t in need of assistance finding meaning in their work. It’s helping them do what they find meaningful.

Work/Life Integration by Practice Type

Responses to the Well-Being Index question “Please rate your level of agreement with the following statement: “My work schedule leaves me enough time for my personal/family life.”

About These Reports

Responses include Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Indifferent, Agree, and Strongly Agree. Responses to all versions of “Agree” were combined and responses to all versions of “Disagree” were combined for the graph. This question is available in all versions of the Well-Being Index assessment except for Medical Student & Resident / Fellow.

Connecting The Dots

Despite high levels of individuals feeling their work is meaningful across all groups, there are still high levels of distress. The takeaway here may be that individuals in these roles aren’t in need of assistance finding meaning in their work. It’s helping them do what they find meaningful.

From leading national health systems to independent hospitals, small groups, and associations, the Well-Being Index provides the data and tools needed to Go Beyond Burnout. View and download the Well-Being Index case studies below.

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