September 2, 2020

New Easy Login Process Set to Go Live

Some exciting changes are in the works for the Well-Being Index that we can’t wait to share. As you may know, the team has been working hard on a few updates that will greatly improve the experience and maximize the usability of the tool, including the brand new Easy Login process. Read on to learn more about how the new login works and what to expect in the coming weeks.

The Challenge

It isn’t news to anybody that many healthcare professionals have an unwieldy number of accounts to keep track of, each with their unique set of usernames and passwords. Remembering all of these different credentials would be a difficult task for anyone, much less a busy healthcare provider already working in a demanding environment.

Everyone knows the frustration of trying different passwords over and over again and not being able to access your account. In analyzing the data from the Well-Being Index, we discovered a ridiculous number of failed login attempts in recent years. Since participants and administrators don’t commonly access their account on a daily basis, it became obvious that the typical login process isn’t the most effective for this type of tool. The data confirmed that we needed to make a change and create a more logical and user-friendly system for you to gain access to your account.

The Fix

The purpose of the Well-Being Index is to help eliminate stress and reduce burnout, not add to it. Therefore, we wanted to provide a quick and easy way for you to log in to your account without having to remember another password. Enter the new login process.

The new login process is designed to be the easiest and most secure way for both participants and administrators to access their Well-Being Index accounts. See how the new Easy Login works in this short video by Product Specialist John McMahon or in the bullet points below.

Using the new Easy Login:

  1. Simply enter your email address or phone number
  2. Click the Easy Login button
  3. Enter the verification code that is sent to you

This new process is not something that we here at the Well-Being Index came up with. In fact, this kind of secure verification code authentication is becoming the standard in the security industry and has been widely adopted by financial institutions and in other industries where security is essential.

The Value

No longer will you need to keep track of a password for your Well-Being Index account. The new Easy Login will ensure that you can utilize the tool immediately, without the hassle of failed login attempts or the frustration of resetting a password.

This much-anticipated update is set to go live on Sunday, February 16th. Once it’s live, you can head to and test it out for yourself. If you prefer to continue to access your account as you have been, you can absolutely still do so by using the Login by Password option.

Well-Being Index Team

The Well-Being Index team is made up of thought leaders, healthcare associates, technology experts, and content creators dedicated to improving well-being by equipping organizations with the tools and data needed to Go Beyond Burnout.